The Lowdown on Lactic Acid and How WaveWear Helps in Recovery

The Lowdown on Lactic Acid and How WaveWear Helps in Recovery

Have you ever felt that burning sensation in your muscles during an intense workout? Chances are, you've heard about lactic acid being the culprit behind this discomfort. Lactic acid has long been blamed for muscle soreness and fatigue, but recent research has shed new light on its role in our bodies. In this article, we will debunk some common misconceptions about lactic acid and explore its true significance in exercise and recovery.

Descriptive diagram of how glucose travels from the muscle, to the blood then to the liver

What is Lactic Acid?

Lactic acid is a natural compound that our bodies produce during certain types of intense physical activity, such as high-intensity exercise or sprinting. It is formed as a byproduct when our muscles break down glucose (sugar) to generate energy in the absence of sufficient oxygen.

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Lactic Acid Myth Debunked:

Contrary to popular belief, lactic acid is not responsible for the soreness experienced during or after exercise. This belief stems from an outdated theory that attributed the muscle "burn" and fatigue to lactic acid buildup. However, recent scientific understanding has shown that lactic acid is rapidly converted into another compound called lactate, which serves as an important energy source for our muscles.

Lactate: Friend, not Foe:

Lactate, the converted form of lactic acid, plays a crucial role in providing fuel for our working muscles. It is efficiently utilized as an energy source, allowing us to maintain high-intensity efforts for longer durations. During intense exercise, the production of lactate increases, helping to sustain muscular contractions even when oxygen supply is limited.

Lactic Acid and Muscle Soreness:

The soreness you feel after an intense workout is actually caused by micro-tears in your muscle fibers, not lactic acid. This phenomenon, known as delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS), occurs as a result of the stress placed on the muscles during exercise. While lactic acid is not directly responsible for this soreness, it can indirectly contribute to it by altering the muscle's pH levels.

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Lactic Acid Clearance and Recovery:

After exercise, lactic acid is rapidly cleared from our muscles. Our body's systems work efficiently to convert lactate back into glucose through a process called the Cori cycle. Additionally, the increased blood flow during the recovery period helps remove any remaining lactic acid, aiding in the restoration of normal muscle function.

Training to Improve Lactic Acid Threshold:

Although lactic acid is not the primary cause of fatigue, the ability to tolerate and clear it from our muscles is still an essential factor in performance. Athletes often train to improve their lactate threshold, which refers to the intensity of exercise at which lactate begins to accumulate in the blood. By training at or near this threshold, athletes can enhance their body's ability to clear lactate, allowing them to sustain higher workloads for longer durations.


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In conclusion, Lactic acid, once thought of as the bad guy of exercise, has been unfairly blamed for muscle soreness and fatigue. In reality, it is a crucial energy source that helps us push our limits and achieve athletic feats. While it doesn't directly cause muscle soreness, it can indirectly contribute to it. Understanding the role of lactic acid and its conversion to lactate can help us dispel myths and better comprehend the true dynamics of exercise and recovery. So, embrace that burn during your workouts, knowing that lactic acid is working in harmony with your body to keep you moving forward.

Someone peeling of kinesiology tape off paper to show no rips or tears

WaveWear's Bio Waved Adhesive Silicone™ (BWAS), helps disperse waste that builds up in the muscles during workouts such as lactic acid. The dispersal of this waste promotes a faster recovery and allows you to exercise more with better prevention of injury. Check out our shop to see our BWAS™ products!

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