Ryu Hui-woon: Precision, Passion, and Power in Baseball | WaveWear Athlete

Ryu Hui-woon: Precision, Passion, and Power in Baseball | WaveWear Athlete

Former KT WIZ (Currently Hanwha Eagles), Number 29

191 cm | 103 kg


Ryu Hui-woon: A Star on the Baseball Diamond

What's special about the KT WIZ team?

Our team has a lot of young players. At the same time, there are many seniors, so it's harmonious. It's helpful to create synergy between each other.

I've been practicing very seriously, and I'm slowly moving forward. Rookies or young players try to learn a lot of helpful habits, routines, and know-how from seniors.

Do you have anything you've gained or regretted from your professional career?

I think what I gained was the experience acquired from playing baseball.

I was able to get a lot of things inside and outside of baseball but I'm sorry that I didn't show a good performance as the team or fans expected.

There may be a visible record, but as a player, you don't meet the standards of what you expect from yourself. You have to keep trying.

What is the most significant aspect for a baseball player?

I think the most significant aspect is mental strength or concentration.

Baseball starts when a pitcher throws the ball. In a crisis situation, it's imperative to maintain the mentality of throwing the ball as usual or hopefully better.

In other words, it's the courage to throw without being nervous.

Have you ever felt any limitations mentally and physically in your career?

Throwing the ball is a pitcher's role, but there are times when it's difficult.

It's a pleasure to have fun when you throw a ball. That's what it is. But I don't feel well when I feel tired. It's confusing. I wonder if it's a slump. 

What was pleasant about wearing WaveWear?

I think I can say it precisely because I always wear it.

The K2 doesn't feel tight when you run, but it's really comfortable because it naturally holds you, and it appears that the tape is holding well.

Elbow protector E2 is also effective. I wear it when I feel my elbows are stiff during weight training. I like the comfort of wearing WaveWear.

Even if I keep wearing it, it feels like it's not there. I don't feel too much pressure, but the silicon inside holds really well.

Tell us about your future goals. 

By increasing the power of my ball, I want to give people a feeling of certainty.

You have to keep your balance. To be consistent in every game, and to do that, I'm not only throwing the ball, but I'm also training with weights and speed.


Ryu Hui-Woon - Favorite Products 
